Welcome to FX the Website
I finally am trying to make the F/X Supersite. It's going to need alot of work. But I can do part and only part. I'm going to need your help too. If you have an F/X site I need speacial things for the Supersite because I found a way of password protecting the Supersite. If you know HTML of Java Script message me. If you just want to help I need 4-5 people to check e-mails of people who want the F/X supersite and want there membership put on the system. Currently I don't know enough HTML and Java Script for me to make it automated so whenever someone sends a request to put there info. for there password and username I have to manually need to type it in. That's where you come in. You check the e-mail write down the username and password and send it off to me. Remember: Last time we tryed to tdo this we had 200+ e-mails per a day. A lot to check. I also need people to answer all the questions. "Oh my password not working whats wrong" In your mind your going to have to write them an e-mail to explain. If your serious about this e-mail express me at helpfx@mailcity.com and leave your info and I'll get back to you. And thanks this can't happen without your help. Please note you will get credit for what you did.
Evan Kosiner
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Scripts These are the scripts off the Closed Captioning of F/X The Series
My music! The FX the Series Soundtrack and More!
Downloads! The FX the Series Spinning "X" Screen Saver!
To the Cast What the Characters Did before they came to FX!
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F/X The Series is (c) 1997 by Winterset Productions Inc.
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